
How can we help you?

Questions by category

  • As I make preparation plans for FSR and TSR 2023, will TAPA be available to help me make decisions on the best way to transition to the new versions?

    Yes, and we will welcome these requests. TAPA is a members’ association and we want you to gain maximum benefit from your membership

  • How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?

    TAPA will always publish a message to members informing them when draft Standards are available to access via a link on the TAPA website.

  • Do Law Enforcement Agencies pay a membership fee to join TAPA EMEA?

    LEA membership is free of charge

  • Who can qualify as an Authorised Auditor (AA)?

    There are two types of AA

    1. An auditor can be recognized as an AA when they have taken TAPA training, passed an exam and are working for a TAPA approved Independent Audit Body. They must have taken the training for each relevant TAPA standard where they are recognized as an AA. They can perform certifications audits for any level of the standard.
    2. A LSP/Applicant representative who has taken TAPA training and passed an exam can be recognized as an AA. They must have taken the training for each relevant TAPA standard where they are recognized as an AA. They can only perform certifications audits for the lowest level of the standards (FSR C or TSR 3) and for their own employers’ business. They cannot certify their sub-contractors or other businesses.
  • What happens to ideas for changes to standards that are sent to TAPA?

    If submitted during the period when change requests for new revisions are being considered all change requests will acknowledged and the sent to the change control board for review. The decision of the committee will be communicated back the originator. If the change request is submitted outside of the revision cycle the requests will be filed until the revision cycle window is opened and then reviewed by the change control board.

  • Can you contribute to TAPA’s Vigilant magazine?

    Yes, we welcome insightful, non-commercial editorial contributions from Subject Matter Experts which we feel will help our members’ supply chain resilience programmes as well as their awareness of cargo crime trends and new security technologies and solutions. If you wish to pitch your idea for an article to our editorial team, please send a summary to us at info@tapaemea.org

  • How do we gather cargo crime intelligence?

    A high percentage of all data in TAPA EMEA Intelligence System (TIS) database is provided through data sharing agreements with national Law Enforcement Agencies and other policing bodies. TAPA members also share incident data, as do non-member companies and Insurers. Credible media sources are also used as a source of information.

  • Can I still use the FSR/TSR 2020 versions after 15 September 2023?

    As of 15 September 2023, any new certifications or recertifications should be completed using the FSR or TSR 2023 Standards. All FSR/TSR certificates are valid for 3 years, so, if you hold an FSR/TSR 2020 certificate, you do not need to recertify until your current certificate expires.

  • What does TAPA do?

    We are the Transported Asset Protection Association.

    TAPA's mission is to increase resilience and minimise supply chain risks. TAPA achieves this through the development and application of global security standards, recognised industry practices, technology, education, benchmarking, regulatory collaboration, and the proactive identification of crime trends and supply chain security threats. TAPA’s vision is to provide its members with scalable risk management tools in the form of globally recognised standards, robust audit process, actionable incident intelligence, high quality training, and representation and liaison with government agencies to build cost effective, resilient and sustainable supply chains

  • Who are our members?

    TAPA is the leading Security Expert Network for everyone in the supply chain. Our members include leading global Manufacturers and their Logistics Service Providers, Security Service Providers, Insurers, Law Enforcement Agencies, and other supply chain security stakeholders. In the Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) region, TAPA now has more than 700 member companies and partners.

  • Is TAPA a global Association?

    The Association consists of three international regions: the Americas, Asia Pacific, and Europe, Middle East & Africa.

  • What other bodies does TAPA work with?

    As the leading industry Association focusing on supply chain resilience and reducing losses from supply chains, TAPA is a Subject Matter Expert which supports, and participates in, forums and working groups with partners including the European Commission, United Nations, Interpol, Europol, the World Customs Organisation, UNECE, IUMI, and others. If you represent a body which wishes to engage with TAPA EMEA, please contact us at info@tapaemea.org

  • As Self-Certification is a lower cost option for Logistics Service Providers, why should FSR A&B and TSR 1&2 still be considered?

    Self-Certification is an entry level to the TAPA Standards and provides robust but minimal security measures. In most instances FSR C and TSR 3 should offer perfectly acceptable security for general cargo. Where Buyers, Shippers, Insurers or Logistics Service Providers’ risk assessments deem additional security measures are needed, then FSR A&B and/or TSR 1&2 can provide this assurance. More scrutiny is needed to ensure these measures are in place and we use industry recognised certification bodies to perform this role.

  • Which industry sectors does TAPA represent?

    TAPA’s membership reflects the broad nature of cargo crime and the sectors which are most targeted by cargo thieves and Organised Crime Groups. These sectors include food and drink, clothing and footwear, cosmetics and hygiene, tobacco, technology, furniture/household appliances, metal, cash, automotive, pharmaceutical, and tools/building materials.

  • What benefits do TAPA members receive?

    Our members have access to TAPA’s supply chain Security Standards for Facilities, Trucking and Secure Parking, as well as the TAPA Intelligence Service (TIS) database, which enables them to see when and where cargo losses have occurred as well as the types of incidents, locations, modus operandi and the types of products targeted. They can also identify safe truck parking places using our unique digital mapping tool. This helps our members to avoid cargo crime ‘hotspots’ and to adopt fit-for-purpose security protocols in the individual geographies they operate in. The Association also provides incident alerts and intelligence via monthly, half-yearly and annual cargo theft data and analysis reports. TAPA also provides face-to-face and online training for members adopting its Security Standards, as well as valuable networking and intelligence-gathering opportunities through its main conferences and regional events in countries with high rates of cargo losses.

    Ultimately, by fully utilising the benefits the Association offers alongside their own in-house security programmes, TAPA members are known to significantly reduce cargo losses and insurance liability, and enhance the reputations of their brands with their customers by ensuring the resilience of their transportation and delivery services.

  • What levels of membership does TAPA offer?

    TAPA offers several levels of membership for Manufacturers, Logistics Service Providers, Security Service Providers, Insurers, Parking Place Operators, and Law Enforcement Agencies, as well as other partners and stakeholders. To find out more or to apply to join TAPA, click here.

  • How do I find more details about TAPA training?

    The TAPA website and articles published by TAPA contain many references to training. You can also contact the TAPA office for current offerings and availability. You can visit the webpage "Standards > Trainings" or contact trainings@tapaemea.org.

  • Do I need to participate in TAPA training for the updated Standards?

    It’s worth noting that from 15 September 2023, anyone completing any TAPA audits for the new versions must have taken and passed the relevant exam for the appropriate Standard. If you are required to complete and submit TAPA audits for your business to TAPA or an Independent Audit Body, this may impact you. Even if you have been trained on earlier versions of the TAPA Standards, there will be additional training needed.

    Additional information on the training possibilities can be found under the training section of the TAPA webpage in the drop-down menu Standards > Trainings.

  • What is the PSR and who is it intended for?

    The PSR is the latest standard from TAPA. It is a security standard for the operators of truck parking areas that want to use an industry standard that will be widely recognised by shippers and the logistics industry. We aim to significantly grow the footprint of available TAPA approved parking areas

  • Why do we need PSR?

    A lack of suitable parking areas, more trucks on our roads, the attractive target a truck present to criminals all combine and results in the fact that unsecured parking places are the largest theft category in the TAPA Incident Information System. Many previous initiatives to tackle unsecured parking have failed. In response to members concerns and our success with our other standards (Facility and Truck Security Requirements), TAPA has decided now is the time to manage our own scheme for our own members and the Supply Chain Industry.  We hope our efforts will convince hundreds of parkin place operators to join our scheme and provide effective and affordable parking for our industry.

  • I saw an older version of PSR. What’s new in PSR 2018?

    The older version was PSR 2017 and was a pilot version. It contained one security level and numerous options on how to become involved in the scheme. PSR 2018 now contains 3 security levels and the involvement of approved independent audit bodies to complete the certification. As with FSR and TSR there is also a self-certification option for level 3. 

  • I heard that PSR was linked to incident data. Can you explain how this works?

    PSR comes with some cool additional features. Members of TAPA with access to TIS, TAPA Intelligence System, can also access the Security Parking Online Tool (SPOT). SPOT allows a user to access to a map that can be used to plan a route for their trucks and plot incidents alongside that route, so a heat map can be produced. As parking sites join the TAPA scheme their location and details will also be plotted on the map, so users will have a simple way to identify risks and find parking solutions.  

  • I want to use secure parking sites for my trucks in transit. I find that there are not enough sites with parking places available or they expensive to use. What is TAPA’s view of this situation and why do you think your PSR standard will make any difference? 

    Unfortunately, the problem of lack of safe and secure parking for trucks is not new.  There are many reasons why this situation exists, and it will require industry and national governments to collaborate on finding realistic solutions. Existing secure parking schemes are fragmented and provide limited coverage. This needs to change. The EU has just completed a study and is looking to introduce a safe and secure parking standard, but it may be sometime before this is formally launched.

    The introduction of TAPA PSR was in direct response from our members to play a role in addressing the “lack of parking” problem. We cannot solve this on our own but hope to make a meaningful contribution. 

    We hope the PSR certification scheme which includes information of approved parking locations and access to incident data for risk assessment use, will be successful in attracting many existing parking place owners to adopt the standard and become more visible to the industry. We are also committed to align with the EU and other regulators who are considering introducing similar standards.  It is our stated goal that adopting TAPA PSR will be a stepping stone aligning with any future regulatory standards. It makes no sense to have competing or different standards, but TAPA wants to play a role now and in the future in managing the certification and promoting the use of parking sites. Because TAPA PSR is available for use now the growth is new users is gaining momentum. So, we believe PSR has a very important role in advance of future regulatory parking requirements and also when regulations are introduced a continued role in promoting the availability and use of safe and secure parking.

  • I agree with TAPA that we need more security parking capacity across the whole region. This is quite a challenge. How will TAPA help change things? 

    This is a moving target, and we don’t have all the answers right now. We want to promote TAPA PSR and also align with the EU SSTPA parking standard. Both standards being successful will give a far better chance to raise parking capacity. How we partner with the EC and other organizations to promote parking will be a key focus area for TAPA in the coming years. We will also have our own initiatives to influence parking operators and parking site users to consider adopting PSR, this will include training TAPA members as “Ambassadors” and the introduction a new PSR marketing campaign 

  • Why is TAPA promoting use of its own Parking Security Requirements (PSR) when the EU will introduce its own Parking Security standard? Surely 1 standard for the industry would make more sense?

    TAPA agrees, one standard for the industry would make sense but we have to start from a low point to get there! Existing secure truck parking availability and standards are not adequate for today’s demand or risks. TAPA has responded to its members requests to get involved and help improve this situation. TAPA has introduced its own PSR scalable rating scheme that is supported by a TAPA certification system similar to our other standards. The TAPA PSR certification system is available now and is aligned with TAPA’s incident information and mapping service IIS. 

    The EU’s Safe and Secure Parking seeks to address similar concerns but the roadmap for its formal introduction is still being considered and it may be some time before it is formally introduced. It will then take more time to see parking sites adopt the new system.

    Our long-term goal is to work with the EU and align both TAPA and the EU’s parking initiatives. We believe by offering the TAPA PSR now, we can help capture many of the parking locations in a certification scheme. These sites will allow more parking options for users. The TAPA registered sites will eventually provide an easy transition to meeting the new EU and/or TAPA standards when they are available. We will keep you posted on developments.

  • I can’t find TAPA Certified parking for my trucks in the areas that I operate in. Why is that and what can we do about this?

    TAPA EMEA PSR certification growth has gone from 0 to over 70 in 2 years. A great start but far from enough and we are making plans to achieve 500 TAPA classified sites within the next 3 years. You can help us by asking the non-TAPA parking sites you use to consider TAPA PSR certification. Also give us the details about parking sites you use and if we have not done so already, we will contact them.

  • As a route planner, I sometimes use the TAPA Intelligence Service on the TIS website that also has parking locations and a route mapping function. I like the system, but it does not list all the parking sites that I have to use. How can these sites be added to the system?

    Give us the details on your parking sites, we will contact them and advise them how they can obtain PSR certification and be included in our mapping and route planning tool. Additionally, we have materials that advertise the PSR certification benefits and can be given to you for sharing with non-certified sites.

  • I asked a manager of parking site why they don’t go for TAPA certification, he responded by saying “Why should I? My site is secure and full”. I struggled to think of a response to that. Can you give me an idea of how I should answer this question next time I see him?

    Not all parking operators are pro-active on advertising their security status when their parking site is full. I would suggest mentioning to that Manager the economic angle. The parking site you visited may have a good business model and they do not want the added burden of compliance to a voluntary certification scheme. However, TAPA hopes to change attitudes in next few years. By influencing more and more parking operators to adopt PSR as an industry security standard. This will allow truck operators to seek and find safe and secure parking locations for their trucks. Eventually even the manager of the parking place you spoke with should see the growing demand for “certified” parking.  To protect their revenue, we would hope they see the sense in obtaining PSR certification. You could also provide them with TAPA contact details, we would be very happy to discuss the benefits of TAPA certification with them.

  • We are already TSR and FSR certified. Will the new formats increase my costs and the number of requirements I need to be compliant with?

    If you do not wish to use new options which are included in FSR/TSR 2020, you should not see any significant changes to your existing FSR/TSR 2017 certification when you go through the re-certification process

  • How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?

    TAPA will always publish a message to members informing them when draft Standards are available to access via a link on the TAPA website.

How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?
How and when will I get copies of the draft FSR and TSR Security Standards?