TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety

TAPA EMEA’s latest tool to help companies protect their supply chains from a criminal attack is the Association’s new Driver Security Guide.

Following on from TAPA EMEA’s Multisite, Locking SystemsCCTV, and Telematics Guidance documents, the new Driver Security Guide is available to download now in 16 local languages from the Standards’ page of the Association’s website. In the Trucking Security Requirements (TSR) downloads section, visitors will find the Driver guide in:

  • Bulgarian  
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Lithuanian  
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Arabic
  • Hungarian

The 24-page Guide looks at the supply chain security environment and highlights the importance of communication with law enforcement and company management when incidents of cargo crime or suspicious activities that could impact cargo security occur. 

To help drivers to understand these risks, the Guide outlines regular types of threats and attacks by criminals targeting supply chains in the Europe, Middle East & Africa, notably:

  • Intrusion, robbery & theft
  • Deception
  • Hijacking
  • Illegal migrant entry
  • Last Mile vehicle crime
  • Cybercrime & information security leak

As well as explaining these types of crimes, the Guide offers advice to drivers on the best responses to each type of incident. It also discusses the important role Monitoring & Response centres play in ensuring the safety and security of drivers, vehicles, and cargoes during the transportation process. 

Most significantly, the TAPA EMEA Driver Security Guide provides a list of emergency contact numbers in 29 countries in Europe for law enforcement agencies and emergency/ambulance services to help drivers and companies respond immediately to security or health incidents. 

With over 80% of cargo thefts in EMEA involving attacks on trucks, risks to drivers have been growing exponentially in recent years. TAPA EMEA hopes the new Guide will help to prevent as many attacks happening. 

“Protecting drivers is a prime objective because criminals understand the vulnerability of trucks and drivers when they are en route or in parking locations. We not only have major driver shortages in Europe but also a recognition by the current driver community that their security is at risk. This new Guide is available in languages which reflect the nationalities of this community and we hope it will make a positive difference to their safety and security,” said Markus Prinz, Senior Manager Standards, Training & Certification.


TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety
TAPA EMEA launches Driver Security Guide in 16 Languages to Boost Safety