FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification

TAPA offers a self-certification option for its Facility Security Requirements (FSR), Trucking Security Requirements (TSR) Security Standards and Parking Security Requirements (PSR) which are currently free for TAPA members.

TAPA has created a new Audit form which eliminates the previous BSI tool in the certification submission process, making it more compact, TAPA-trained auditors to complete TAPA Facility Security Requirements (FSR) Level C, Trucking Security Requirements (TSR) Level 3 and Parking Security Requirements (PSR) Level 3 self-certification.

TAPA members which plan to apply for and complete the self-certification programme for FSR Level C or TSR Level 3 or PSR Level 3 must begin by completing the online submission form below. They will then receive an invitation email from TAPA to create an account as well as the assessment link. Once a member has created an account, they can login at any time.

Please note since the 2020 revision of the TAPA FSR and TSR Standards TAPA requires a Logistics Service provider/Applicant to have a TAPA-trained person in place in their organisation FSR/TSR & PSR certification audits can be performed. Once they have joined one of the Association’s Standards training courses for FSR or TSR or PSR, and passed the relevant exam, they will be classified as an LSP Authorised Auditor (LSP AA). This is not limited only to the self-certification process as this is also an important and mandatory requirement for the Independent Audit Bodies (IAB) audits of FSR Level A and B, TSR Level 1 and 2 and PSR Level 1 and 2.

TAPA’s Self-certification Audit Form ‘User Guide’ offers easy to follow, step-by-step information on how to use the new tool.

Our Standards Team will answer any questions you have about the TAPA Self Certification. You can contact the team directly using the Standards Self Certification Submission Form.

Get in touch

FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification

How can we help you?

Our Standards Team will answer any questions you have about the TAPA Security Standards. You can contact the team directly using the Standards Self Certification Submission Form.
Standards self certification submission form
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification
FSR, TSR, PSR & PPD self certification