Register now for “Resilience@Risk 2”

There is always plenty to think about for supply chain security professionals but rarely, since TAPA EMEA was formed in 2000, so many challenges to negotiate all at once.

On 9 & 10 November 2022, the Association’s ‘RESILIENCE@RISK2’ Virtual Conference will invite our expert speakers to discuss some of the most pressing cargo security risks, from the impact of the ongoing war in Ukraine, to the national cargo crime rates in France and Germany, as well as congestion at major hubs, especially in Europe. 

We will also look at what it takes to build supply chain resiliency in this new world environment and hear updates on two of the topics which could offer significant benefits to reducing the number and cost of cargo thefts in the Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) region, notably secure truck parking and autonomous vehicles. 

Delegates will also get to hear the latest updates from TAPA EMEA, including the status of the new revisions of the Association’s Facility Security Requirements (FSR) and Trucking Security Requirements (TSR) industry standards, due in 2023.  

Registration is free to all supply chain resilience stakeholders, both TAPA EMEA members and non-members. To join us, use the link below.


Meet our speakers

Day 1

Session 1

From disruption to reinvention – become a master of resiliency

Speaker: Pierre-François Kaltenbach, Senior Managing Director – Accenture Strategy & Consulting – Supply Chain and Operations

In Davos, Switzerland, in May 2022, Accenture released a report for the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting entitled ‘From Disruption to Reinvention – The Future of Supply Chains in Europe’ and warned supply chain challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could result in a potential €920 billion cumulative loss to gross domestic product (GDP) across the Eurozone by 2023, 7.7% of the Eurozone GDP. 

At TAPA EMEA’s ‘RESILIENCE@RISK2’ Virtual Conference, our Keynote speaker, Pierre-François Kaltenbach, will present the Resilience Stress Test Accenture has co-developed with MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as he discusses From Disruption to Reinvention – Become a master of resiliency’.

Pierre-François is lead of Accenture’s Supply Chain and Operations practice in Europe. His key areas of expertise are resilient operations, open innovation, sourcing and the circular economy. He has authored many papers on open innovation and is a frequent speaker at major MBAS and is regularly quoted in both general (Les Echos, L’Usine Nouvelle, …) and specialised press.

Session 2

Supply chain challenges in an unpredictable world 

Speaker: Norman Heit, Group Corporate Security Director, Vodafone 

Norman Heit is Group Corporate Security Director of Vodafone and joined TAPA EMEA’s Supervisory Board in April 2022, shortly after taking up his new post.  

Early in his career, Norman was a Liaison Officer with the German Federal Police before spending over three years with Bayer, ultimately serving as Head of Corporate Crisis Management (Deputy Chief Security Officer). Prior to joining Vodafone in the UK in December 2021, he was Head of Global Security Management at Boehringer Ingelheim for almost four years. He has been an active member and supporter of TAPA EMEA for many years and has spoken at previous conference events organised by the Association in the EMEA region. During his law enforcement career, he was also a liaison office for the German Federal Police with NATO. 

In his presentation, Norman will discuss the challenges supply chains are facing in today’s fast-changing and unpredictable world and look at the consequences of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and how this presents heightened security risks for supply chain security professionals to manage.  

Session 3

Cargo Security Market Report: France

Speaker: Céline Lubrano, Head of Security & Operational Resilience France for DHL Global Forwarding & TAPA EMEA Regional Lead, France 

Supply chains in France are a prominent focal point for Organised Crime Groups (OCGs) and small-time cargo thieves. Police data shows over 1,800 criminal attacks on supply chains in 2021, while the 650 incidents reported to the TAPA EMEA Intelligence System (TIS) in 13 regions of the country in the 18 months to 30 June 2022 produced a total loss of €5.2 million for the 9.4% of crimes sharing a value, and an average loss of €383,417 for the 12 major losses of €100K or more. 

Céline will discuss the cargo crime trends in France and best practices to help manage known risks.

Having always worked in transport and logistics, Céline joined the DHL group 21 years ago. In this role, Céline and her team’s responsibilities include risk analysis, DHL and partner site audits, implementation of business continuity plans, implementation of technical and human security, risk prevention, subcontractor tracking, and investigations and contact with law enforcement agencies. She is also the Regional Lead – France for TAPA EMEA, heading the local working group for the Association.  

Session 4

Congestion & its impact on supply chain resilience

Speaker: Jason Breakwell, Commercial Director, Wallenborn Transports

Cargo at rest is generally deemed to be cargo at risk. In the last two years, there seems to have been a causal link between longer cargo dwell times and a change in cargo crime.

Jason Breakwell, Commercial Director of Wallenborn Transports, and a former Vice Chair of TAPA EMEA, will give an operator’s perspective of the consequences of delays on road transport and discuss how to manage disruptions and the potential impact of delays. Facility delays, he says, impact the resilience and security of supply chains and, in the post pandemic operating environment, even highly vulnerable cargo on trucks with pre-agreed delivery slots can be rejected because ‘the warehouse is full’. 

From 2020 through 2022, his own company has experienced an increase in loading/unloading delays of between 25% and well over 100%, with average truck processing times exceeding three hours at major hubs. In this presentation, Jason will give his insight into Route Risk Assessments and the need for built-in contingencies to contend with a growing list of potential delays and disruptions. 

Day 2

Session 1

Cargo risks & losses in Germany 

Speaker: Matthias Willenbrink, General Manager at ILV Advisers

The risk of cargo crime is a daily concern for supply chains in Germany. In the 18 months to 30 June 2022, the TAPA EMEA Intelligence System (TIS) alone identified 2,348 cargo thefts and product losses of more than €9.3 million for the 14.6% of these incidents reporting a value. Statistics show cargo crime groups are now active across the country. 

Matthias started his career in the German Police in 1980, working in different CIDs. In 1993, he switched to the private investigation industry, focusing on Counter Fraud Services for the insurance sector, and has since supported over 250 German and international insurance carriers with counter fraud services in all kinds of business lines. Today, he runs ILV Advisers, together with his partner Detlev Warnke, in Germany. In addition to his day job, he is also a lecturer at the education institute (DVA) at the German Insurance Association (GDV), where he educates SIU agents.

Session 2

Secure Truckparkings – A TAPA member’s responsibility

Speaker: Ton Barten, Co-owner & Director, Truckparkings Rotterdam Exploitie BV 

Over 85% of cargo thefts reported to TAPA EMEA involve criminal attacks on trucks and over 50% of these crimes target vehicles in unsecured parking locations, exacerbated by the lack of secure parking places, particularly across Europe. TAPA EMEA estimates a need for another 2,000 secure parking sites in Europe, offering 400,000 more parking places.

Ton will zoom in on the reasons behind this shortage, the risk of further development delays, and the urgent need to change this. TAPA EMEA members, he says, will have to play a role if we want to achieve increased security when parking heavy goods vehicles. 

Ton Barten is Co-owner and Director of Truckparkings Rotterdam Exploitie BV, a Breda (Netherlands) based secure truckparking organisation that operates 8 secure truck parking sites and two secure trailer parking locations. 7 of the 8 truck parkings are TAPA PSR Level 2 certified. Operating secure truckparkings is the sole activity of the company and, hence, Ton’s day-to-day activity. He is also a member of the TAPA EMEA PSR support group. 

Session 3

Autonomous trucks, the road to driverless

Speaker: James Cooper, Business Development Director On-Road Autonomous Solutions, Scania Group

Autonomous vehicles could make a significant inroad into reducing cargo crime by addressing the challenges of driver shortages and drivers taking mandatory rest breaks in unsecured parking places – but what has been achieved so far? What operational, regulatory and infrastructure hurdles still need to be overcome? And what are the longer-term possibilities?

In his presentation, James will provide insight into how the major autonomous trucking companies are planning to bring this groundbreaking technology to the market and the value it will bring to fleet operators and the industry as a whole.

James has worked at Scania Commercial Vehicles for 7 years, initially joining as a Product Manager for Long Haulage trucks and, for the last 3 years, working in the Autonomous Solutions team. Today, he is responsible for the strategy and roadmap for the roll-out of autonomous vehicles on public roads, working with partners and customers to understand the real world application of autonomous trucking technology and how it will integrate into the logistics network.

Session 4


Presented by members of the TAPA EMEA leadership team and Advisory Board.

The conference sessions will begin at 11.00hrs on 9 & 10 November 2022 and end at 14.00hrs. Delegates will also be invited to ‘Meet our Exhibitors’. 

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Register now for “Resilience@Risk 2”
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Register now for “Resilience@Risk 2”
Register now for “Resilience@Risk 2”